
G.O.A.T. Minecraft Server IP-adres, versie en informatie. Bekijk deze pagina voor meer informatie over de G.O.A.T. Minecraft Server.



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Who/What is G.O.A.T minecraft server : After following various members of hermitcraft and joined various HermitCraft like servers which bleed to death after a few weeks, I decided to give it a try myself. My name is FutureForce i’m 46 and have been playing Minecraft since the Alpha version. what ere we looking for : we are looking to build up a mature and active community, to engage into new friendships and experiences. We all have our preferences in terms of how we approach Minecraft and nobody can tell you how to play this game, enjoy it the way you like it. The thing that connects us is our love for the game and having someone to share it with. what does G.O.A.T have to offer : We are aiming to have the Hermitcraft experience with respectful people, friendly community, and most of all a great server where you can be as creative as you'd like. The Server is hosted in Europe and runs PaperMC minecraft 1.16.3 there are some plugins and data packs installed but will not take away the vanilla feeling !. Plugins : >CoreProtect : (to help me and the community with Griefers, Thieves, rollbacks(Backups)) >WorldGuard (to protect the world against fire spread, enderman griefing) >Worldborder > Dynmap > DataPacks: > armor statues > coordinates hud > double shulker shells > dragon drops > more mob heads > multiplayer sleep > nether portal coords > player head drops > silence mobs > universal_dyeing > wandering trades minibloacks > AFK display Rules Most of the communication will be happening on our Discord server. Preferably apply on discord, since we are online there every day. Please follow our instructions on how to apply for an easy and fast procedure. Before typing anything about yourself, make sure you fulfil the requirements: It is important for us that we have a mature community, so we will set the minimum age to 18. We would like to have an active community, so Interact with each other on the server or on discord. You need to have an official Minecraft account. We will need your nickname in order to whitelist you. you will obey the rules of the server : General no griefing, stealing, hacking or abusing rules. A complete list of all rules can be found at our Discord. So what do we need from you ? Just follow this template and you should be good to go ! Come join our Discord to apply! How old/Young are you ? Where are you from and where are you playing from ? What is your Minecraft Name ? Why do you want to join the server ? How mature would you describe yourself ? How active do you plan to be on the server ? Do you have a YouTube/Twitch channel ? If you like-minded and want to join this community. Fill in the Application. follow this link : https://discord.gg/7ncC4Va to fill in the application

Veelgestelde Vragen over G.O.A.T.

Om de G.O.A.T. in 2025 te joinen, start je Minecraft, ga je naar Multiplayer, klik je op 'Server Toevoegen' en voer je het IP-adres GOAT.craft.vg:25565 in. Klik op 'Server Joinen' om direct te beginnen met spelen op de beste Minecraft servers van 2025!

G.O.A.T. is gehost in Netherlands, wat zorgt voor lage latentie en hoogwaardige gaming voor spelers in deze regio gedurende 2025. Onze serverinfrastructuur is geoptimaliseerd voor soepele Minecraft-multiplayerervaringen.

G.O.A.T. is een van de beste Minecraft servers in 2025 en biedt spannende spelmodi zoals Vanilla, Survival, Engels. Onze regelmatig bijgewerkte content zorgt voor een frisse en boeiende Minecraft-multiplayerervaring gedurende 2025.

G.O.A.T. onderscheidt zich als een eersteklas Minecraft server in 2025 vanwege onze toegewijde community, regelmatige updates en diverse gameplay-opties. Of je nu houdt van survival, creatief bouwen of competitief spelen, onze server biedt een ongeëvenaarde multiplayer-ervaring voor Minecraft-liefhebbers.

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