Bukkit niet meer te downloaden?! Informatie hier!

  • 2014-09-04
  • 1803 Bekeken
Beste lezers,
Vanmorgen had ik (na vele berichten hierover binnen gekregen te hebben) vernomen dat alle downloads van (Craft)Bukkit niet meer te downloaden zijn. Dit in verband met een DCMA Takedown. Volledige bron hier.
Zover we nu kunnen zien, zou het betekenen dat we voor een onbepaalde tijd geen builds meer kunnen downloaden. Het gebeurde zo plots, dat we dus niet weten hoe snel hier dingen gaan veranderen. Als we meer weten, zullen we jullie op de hoogte houden.

From: Wesley Wolfe <email redacted>
Date: 3 September 2014 03:48
Subject: [SL] [abuse-google] Copyright

My name is Wesley Wolfe. A site hosted on an IP address owned by Multiplay
(ip redacted) is infringing on my software copyright by the distribution
of a software known as CraftBukkit.

Original content can be found at



and the appropriate license for previously mentioned content can be found at


The provided license requires the use of included or linking code to
provide the original source under the GNU GPL license version 3, or any
later version. An official notice has been sent to Mojang AB, whereas the
Chief Operating Officer, Vu Bui, responded with the clear text:

Mojang has not authorized the inclusion of any of its proprietary
Minecraft software (including its Minecraft Server software) within the
Bukkit project to be included in or made subject to any GPL or LGPL
license, or indeed any other open source license

As the Minecraft Server software is included in CraftBukkit, and the
original code has not been provided or its use authorized, this is a
violation of my copyright. I have a good faith belief the distribution of
CraftBukkit includes content of which the distribution is not authorized by
the copyright owner, it's agent, or the law.

Pages including infringing content:
https://dl.bukkit.org/ - links to:
https://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/ - links to 45 pages, with
infringing content beginning on craftbukkit build #1597 and currently
ending at craftbukkit build #3115, but please allow me not to enumerate
them all
https://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/view/00703_1.1-R1/ (the
first infringing build)

I have a good faith belief that the above information is accurate and that
I am the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's

Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512(c)), the
above mentioned pages need to be expeditiously removed or access-of

Electronically Signed:

Wesley Wolfe
address redacted

email redacted

Bron[2]: https://dl.bukkit.org/dmca/notification.txt


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